Are you ready to feel alive?
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Master the Game of Life with CEO Suzy Batiz and discover the tools that catapulted her into success and implement in your own life.
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Alive OS | Online
Now available online for the first time, Alive OS is your 6-week roadmap to authentic vibrancy and abundance. Tailored for individuals ready to transcend boundaries set up in their life, this course offers powerful principles, exclusive coursework, and a community of resonating souls. Let Suzy Batiz's two-decade journey provide you a toolset and inspire you to recalibrate, reimagine, and realize your true potential in every aspect of life.
$799 $639.20
register todayPrinciples of Alive OS
Ignite transformation across three planes in order to create true transformation: body, mind, and soul.
Practical logistics, strategic plans, and/or somatic release in the body to create transformation in the physical world
Looking inward to identify patterns and root causes. Work to transform them through modalities like EMDR or hypnotherapy
Setting intentions and/or working with intuitive and higher reals to realize the higher purpose of your transformation
Véronique B.Director of Operations, Kite Parade
Chandler M.Co-Founder, Product of Therapy
Krista C.Coach & Enneagram
Specialist -
a letter from suzy
For decades, I searched my external world for that magic bullet that would magically catapult me out of some of life’s lowest lows — sexual abuse, domestic violence, multiple bankruptcies.
Eventually, I realized that I had the power deep within me. It was there all along; I just had to learn to look inside myself and to dig it out from under years and years of familial and societal programming.
Once I learned to look within and harness the power of intuition, I transformed my life from a disaster to a dream come true and turned an ALIVE IDEA into a nine-figure business empire with my companies Poo~Pourri and Supernatural.
Now I teach others how to create the life of their dreams with ALIVE OS®. It’s not just another course — it’s a radical upgrade for your human operating system. I believe we all have everything inside of us to make our dreams come true… we simply need to learn how to access it.
I know the principles inside ALIVE OS® work because I’ve tested them out in my own life, over and over again, with real relationships and real money (often, a LOT of it!) on the line… and I’ve witnessed hundreds of ALIVE OS® members transform their lives in incredible ways.